Top "Pushviewcontroller" questions

Use this tag for questions related to pushing a view controller.

ios: Accessing a navigation controller from app delegate

I have an app that receives push notifications. In didReceiveRemoteNotifications, I would like to make the app show a particular …

ios uinavigationcontroller push-notification pushviewcontroller uiapplicationdelegate
pushViewController not working

I have an application which has a view called store. In this view there is a button which loads the …

iphone objective-c ios uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller
hide tab bar in view with push

I have a tabBar + NavigationViewController. The Tab bar has collection view with cells(Say view1) and with cells a push …

swift uinavigationcontroller uitabbarcontroller pushviewcontroller
ios 7 view with transparent content overlaps previous view

Recently I updated my xcode project to work with iOS 7, but i faced a big problem. Because my whole application …

uinavigationcontroller ios7 pushviewcontroller xcode5
Restore pre-iOS7 UINavigationController pushViewController animation

So. Just started transitioning my IOS code to IOS7, and ran into a bit of problem. I've got a UINavigationController, …

objective-c animation uinavigationcontroller ios7 pushviewcontroller
iOS - pushViewController vs presentModalViewController difference

What is the difference beetween calling presentModalViewController and pushViewController, when : animation is set to NO (even if yes, that's just …

ios cocoa-touch uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
pushviewcontroller animation is slow/choppy

I push a ViewController which contains not too many views, UIScrollView which contains 10 views inside, I have a singleton ViewController …

uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller
What exactly willMoveToParentViewController: and didMoveToParentViewController: do?

I know that starting with iOS5 and the new UIViewController containment methods, you are supposed to call these methods together …

objective-c ios uiviewcontroller pushviewcontroller
What is a modal view?

I wanted to do bottom-up or up-bottom animation for settings page. (which would normally be pushViewController) And found out that …

iphone animation pushviewcontroller
Change Background Color of iOS App When Pushing Views

In my app, I use a navigation controller to switch between different views. Each of my views has an image …

ios xcode image transition pushviewcontroller