Top "Pseudocode" questions

Pseudocode is a compact and informal high-level description of a computer programming algorithm.

Implementing a squarified treemap in javascript

I'm currently trying to implement a treemap algorithm in Javascript. More specifically the algorithm described in Squarified Treemaps. The pseudo …

javascript algorithm pseudocode treemap
Sorting: how to sort an array that contains 3 kind of numbers

For example: int A[] = {3,2,1,2,3,2,1,3,1,2,3}; How to sort this array efficiently? This is for a job interview, I need just a …

arrays algorithm sorting language-agnostic pseudocode
Code a linear programming exercise by hand

I have been doing linear programming problems in my class by graphing them but I would like to know how …

algorithm language-agnostic pseudocode linear-programming
What does ":=" mean in Pseudocode?

Really basic syntax question in pseudocode. What does := mean in Pseudocode?Example a := 1

syntax pseudocode colon-equals
Finding shortest repeating cycle in word?

I'm about to write a function which, would return me a shortest period of group of letters which would eventually …

algorithm language-agnostic pseudocode
Understanding the minmax pseudocode

I'm teaching myself the minimax algorithm and I just had a few questions I was hoping someone could answer. Firstly …

pseudocode minimax
Heap's algorithm for permutations

I'm preparing for interviews and I'm trying to memorize Heap's algorithm: procedure generate(n : integer, A : array of any): if …

algorithm language-agnostic permutation pseudocode