Top "Pscp" questions

PuTTY Secure Copy client (pscp) is a command-line SCP client for transferring files securely between computers using an SSH connection.

How can I copy a file from a remote server to using Putty in Windows?

How do I copy a file from a remote server to my local Windows system using a Putty session?

windows putty pscp
Makefile error make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified

I am using a makefile in windows to push some files on a Unix server (here a text file "blob.…

windows bash makefile putty pscp
Command to automatically input password for pscp

I want to copy some file to a remote Linux system from my Windows PC using pscp (from putty). I …

batch-file pscp
PuTTY PSCP error "Local to local copy not supported" when username contains a slash

I am trying to move a file from my local Windows machine to a remote Linux server using PSCP. I …

ssh putty pscp
Transfer files from Linux to Windows using pscp or some other tool

Problem Statement- I want to copy some files from remote machine (linux) to my windows machine. I know I can …

putty pscp
putty from a batch file and a script?

I have a batch file that opens putty just fine. c:\putty.exe [email protected] -pw boyhowdy. But to make this …

batch-file putty pscp
PSCP file from Windows to Linux using private/public keys

I can transfer file using PSCP: C:\>pscp -pw <password> -r -p <path of the file&…

unix private-key pscp
PSCP copy files from godaddy to my windows machine

I want to take backup of my website which is hosted on godaddy. I used pscp command from my windows …

ssh download putty pscp
Getting "Command not found" when using pscp command

I am transferring a project folder to AWS instance using PuTTY pscp. I am able to connect using .ppk public …

ssh sftp putty scp pscp
ssh_init: host does not exist.. trying to copy tomcat7 folder to my ubuntu EC2 instance usign PSCP

My Ubuntu ubuntu@ip-172-31-81-180:~$ sudo su root@ip-172-31-81-180:/home/ubuntu# CMD prompt: C:\Users\…

ubuntu tomcat amazon-ec2 putty pscp