Transfer files from Linux to Windows using pscp or some other tool

arsenal picture arsenal · Jun 28, 2012 · Viewed 24.8k times · Source

Problem Statement- I want to copy some files from remote machine (linux) to my windows machine. I know I can do it using pscp.

I tried looking on the internet, I found several articles, but in those articles I was not able to understand and I was having lot of problems in copying the files from Linx box to Windows.

Can anyone provide me step by step method here, so that I can follow that to transfer files. That will be of great help to me.

I am connected to host using putty and that is linux with username- rkost and password as- password. And I want to copy file a.txt from linux to windows.


pvrforpranavvr picture pvrforpranavvr · Jan 5, 2018
  1. Download PSCP from below link

  2. Run PSCP

  3. Got to command prompt

  4. Use the below code

    Copy single file

    pscp user@host:remote_path/file_name host_path\file_name
    eg: pscp [email protected]:/home/user2/a.txt c:\Desktop\a.txt

    Copy all files in a folder

    pscp user@host:remote_path/* host_path\ 
    eg: pscp [email protected]:/home/user2/* c:\Desktop\test\ 

    Copy all files & folders in a folder

    pscp -r user@host:remote_path/ host_path\
    eg: pscp -r [email protected]:/home/user2/ c:\Desktop\test\