A common means for (un)related objects to communicate with each other.
I m looking for an open source implementation for the TR-069 cwmp client (CPE). I want to install it on …
soap protocols network-protocols easycwmpI am little confused about some concepts around Objective-C protocols and categories. Can protocols and categories be inherited by subclasses …
iphone objective-c ios protocols objective-c-categoryI want to be able to store a class as a variable, so I can call class methods out of …
ios swift protocols swift-protocolsI'm working on an iphone/ipod app that will need to communicate with a computer (MAC for now, maybe PC …
iphone usb ipod-touch protocolsIn Objective-C when you declare an instance variable you can check if it conforms to a protocol on assignment at …
objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch protocols compile-timeWhile reading an article on LTE, I came across a term "LTE Stack Protocol Development". Sadly, there was no further …
stack protocols lteI would like to create a function that returns an object that conforms to a protocol, but the protocol uses …
generics swift protocols type-aliasI would like to implement and HTTP proxy server to get a deeper understanding of some of the finer points …
http protocols rfc http-proxy http-protocolsI have to develop my own IRC Server for a project for school. School does not require much and all …
network-programming protocols network-protocols irc