Top "Proj4js" questions

Proj4JS is an open source JavaScript library that transforms map coordinates between different coordinate systems and projections.

How to transform a distance from degrees to metres?

I'm using OpenLayers with an ordinary mercator map and I'm trying to sample a bounding box by finding a grid …

transform openlayers proj4js haversine map-projections
How to convert from UTM to LatLng in python or Javascript

I have a bunch of files with coordinates in UTM form. For each coordinate I have easting, northing and zone. …

javascript python gis arcgis-js-api proj4js
How to convert Vector Layer coordinates into Map Latitude and Longitude in Openlayers

I'm pretty confused. I have a point: x= -12669114.702301 y= 5561132.6760608 That I got from drawing a square on a vector …

openlayers latitude-longitude proj4js
Mercator longitude and latitude calculations to x and y on a cropped map (of the UK)

I have this image. It's a map of the UK (not including Southern Ireland): I have successfully managed to get …

javascript geolocation projection processing.js proj4js
Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates

I have the Lat/Long value of New York City, NY; 40.7560540,-73.9869510 and a flat image of the earth, 1000px × 446…

php javascript maps coordinates proj4js
How to convert UTM to Lat/Long?

Is there a way to convert UTM to Lat/Long in Javascript? I have seen another thread on this but …

javascript map-projections proj4js utm
Change Projection in OpenLayers Map

I want to set "EPSG:4326" as the projection of an OpenLayers map, but when I try it, I always get "…

javascript geospatial openlayers openstreetmap proj4js
how to call parameterized javascript function in the WebKit?

I am trying to pass 2 parameters to a javascript function.This code webview.loadUrl("javascript: function_to_call();"); works fine …

javascript android webview proj4js mobile-webkit
OL3: Setting map view center to geolocation.getCurrentPosition doesn't work

When the application starts, I want to center the map view on the users current position. I have tried two …

leaflet openlayers-3 proj4js
OpenLayers Google Maps Projection Problem w/ KML

This is my first time on stackoverflow and working with Openlayers & Google Maps. I've been browsing different forums & …

google-maps openlayers projection proj4js