Top "Proj4js" questions

Proj4JS is an open source JavaScript library that transforms map coordinates between different coordinate systems and projections.

How to use OpenLayers 3 with Proj4js

I'm working on a map viewer project and used openlayers 2 before this. Now I have to use OpenLayers 3 and map …

openlayers gis projection openlayers-3 proj4js
How to transform coordinate from WGS84 to a coordinate in a projection with PROJ.4?

I have a GPS-coordinate in WGS84 that I would like to transform to a map-projection coordinate in SWEREF99 TM using …

java wgs84 map-projections proj4js proj
How to set default view in OpenLayers, WITHOUT restricting bounds?

Based on samples, I can see that you can set a default view in OpenLayers by saying something along the …

javascript openlayers proj4js