Top "Printk" questions

printk is a function that prints messages and is used in the C Programming Language exclusively for the Linux Kernel.

Where does output of print in kernel go?

I am debugging a driver for linux (specifically ubuntu server 9.04), and there are several printf statements in the code. Where …

linux ubuntu linux-kernel printk
difference between dmesg and /var/log/kern.log

I am modifying the kvm module and I have added printk statements in the kernel code.After running the virtual …

logging linux-kernel printk
printk inside an interrupt handler , is it really that bad?

everybody knows that interrupt handler should be short as possible. and adding functions like printk for debugging inside an interrupt …

c linux-kernel interrupt-handling printk
Difference between printk and pr_info

What's the exact difference between printk and pr_info functions ? And under what conditions, should I choose one over the …

c linux-kernel kernel-module printk
Kernel module: how to get console ouput?

I am writing a kernel module, and I want to be able to print something on the console output when …

linux kernel-module printk
How can I show printk() message in console?

The information which is printed by printk() can only be seen under Alt+Ctrl+F1 ~ F7 console. These consoles are …

linux linux-kernel kernel printk
Enlarge Linux Kernel Log Buffer more that 2M

I am in the process of collecting some sort of Linux Kernel activities. I have placed multiple printk statements with …

logging linux-kernel kernel linux-device-driver printk
how to avoid printk log dropping in linux kernel

Is there any tips or method to avoid kernel log drop or log buffer overrun ? I have increased the log …

logging linux-kernel linux-device-driver embedded-linux printk
Format specifier for printk loff_t types?

I am working on a Linux character device driver for a school assignment and am not sure how to print …

c linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver printk
Linux-kernel debug printouts?

Is there a better way to debug printouts in the Linux kernel? Right now littering the code with: printk(KERN_…

c debugging linux-kernel kernel printk