Top "Primefaces-extensions" questions

PrimeFaces Extensions is a lightweight open source component library for Java Server Faces 2.x. The project is built on top of the PrimeFaces - a rapidly evolving component suite.

using primefaces extensions (inputNumber)

i'm new in primefaces word , and i need to use primefaces extensions (inputNumber) in the XHTML file I add the …

primefaces primefaces-extensions
Tooltip for each row in data table

This questions screams to be a duplicate of JSF 2.0 + Primefaces 2.x: Tooltip for datatable row but since this old question …

jsf-2 primefaces datatable tooltip primefaces-extensions
What is the use of the rowKey attribute in Primefaces' p:dataTable?

I tried to select rows in a p:dataTable, however it shows an error. After I added a value for …

jsf-2 primefaces primefaces-extensions
row editing is not working in datatable primefaces

During editing of datatable values, the values are not updated in the screen as well as in listener method. The …

jsf-2 primefaces primefaces-extensions
How to target entire JSF page to be blocked by p:blockUI / pe:blockUI?

The example demonstrates blocking of <h:form> by <pe:blockUI>. <h:form id="form" prependId="…

jsf primefaces jsf-2.2 blockui primefaces-extensions
Format decimal places for primefaces ext input numeric

I have some code as below (work fine) <pe:inputNumber value="#{myBean.myVal}" minValue="0" maxValue="999999999999999.999999999" emptyValue="1" thousandSeparator="." decimalSeparator="," /> …

jsf input primefaces numeric primefaces-extensions