Top "Predicate" questions

A Predicate is a method which represents a set of criteria and decides for a given object if these criteria are fulfilled or not.

Can you pass an additional parameter to a predicate?

I'm trying to filter a vector so it contains only a specific value. e.g. Make sure the vector only …

c++ predicate
NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Predicate when importing MonkeyRunner in Jython

I want to use MonkeyRunner to generate MotionEvent (from screen touch). I have read the info on…

android jython predicate monkeyrunner
Is there a convenience method to create a Predicate that tests if a field equals a given value?

I often find myself in the need to filter a Stream or to use a predicate that checks if a …

java functional-programming java-8 predicate
Java 8 - How to use predicate that has a function with parameter?

I have the following code: public boolean isImageSrcExists(String imageSrc) { int resultsNum = 0; List<WebElement> blogImagesList = driver.findElements(blogImageLocator); …

java lambda java-8 java-stream predicate
XPath/XSLT nested predicates: how to get the context of outer predicate?

It seems that this question was not discussed on stackoverflow before, save for Working With Nested XPath Predicates ... Refined where …

xslt xpath nested predicate
JPA: Predicate and expression both in QueryCriteria where clause

I have a situation where in my where clause I have single predicate and expression. And both needs to be …

java jpa expression criteria predicate
Adding a parameter to a FindAll for a Generic List in C#

I have a list of objects that I want to filter by an integer parameter List<testObject> objectList = …

c# generics predicate findall
Using Java Predicate and Lambda

Why does the below code return Predicate<String> and not boolean? My understanding is that the !s.isEmpty() …

java lambda java-8 predicate functional-interface
Why do C++ classes without member variables occupy space?

I found that both MSVC and GCC compilers allocate at least one byte per each class instance even if the …

c++ class sizeof predicate