Top "Predicate" questions

A Predicate is a method which represents a set of criteria and decides for a given object if these criteria are fulfilled or not.

IEnumerable<T>.Contains with predicate

I need just to clarify that given collection contains an element. I can do that via collection.Count(foo => …

c# linq ienumerable contains predicate
How do I match contents of an element in XPath (lxml)?

I want to parse HTML with lxml using XPath expressions. My problem is matching for the contents of a tag: …

python xpath lxml predicate
The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities in entity framework

can anyone help me out in solving my issue. I am using the code given below: public IEnumerable<InvoiceHeader&…

c# linq entity-framework expression predicate
lisp filter out results from list not matching predicate

I am trying to learn lisp, using emacs dialect and I have a question. let us say list has some …

list lisp filter elisp predicate
Core Data Predicate Date Comparison

Im trying to fetch all the objects in an entity matching a user selectedDate (it's an NSDate). The Core Data …

objective-c cocoa nsdate predicate
Predicate control in Prolog

Have a curiosity related to Prolog predicate control. Supposedly I have a predicate f(A,X) and g(B). f(…

prolog predicate
how can I filter map entries based on set of entries

I'm using google guava 12 and have a map: Map<OccupancyType, BigDecimal> roomPrice; I have a Set: Set<…

java map set guava predicate
Checking that all items in a collection match a predicate in Scala

What's the most idiomatic way to test whether all items of a collection match a predicate? Any item?

scala predicate
How can I implement the unification algorithm in a language like Java or C#?

I'm working through my AI textbook I got and I've come to the last homework problem for my section: "Implement …

artificial-intelligence predicate unification
How can I negate a lambda Predicate?

Lets say I have a Stream of Strings. final Stream<String> stream = ...; I want to filter out each …

java lambda java-8 predicate