Top "Precision" questions

For questions related to numerical precision in programming.

wrong numbers with clock_gettime and CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID

I'm on a 64bit Ubuntu 12.04 system and tried the following code: #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h&…

c precision clock timing gettime
getting the average, p95 and p99 of a stream of data

I have incoming data and I want to compute the average, 95th and 99th percentile of that data - I …

algorithm average precision moving-average
How to work with large numbers in R?

I would like to change the precision in a calculation of R. For example I would like to calculate x^6 …

r precision largenumber
Precision problems of real numbers in Fortran

I've been trying to use Fortran for my research project, with the GNU Fortran compiler (gfortran), latest version, but I've …

fortran precision gfortran real-datatype
What is the standard (or best supported) big number (arbitrary precision) library for Lua?

I'm working with large numbers that I can't have rounded off. Using Lua's standard math library, there seem to be …

math lua precision bignum
Rand Index function (clustering performance evaluation)

As far as I know, there is no package available for Rand Index in python while for Adjusted Rand Index …

python cluster-analysis precision unsupervised-learning
Converting 8 bytes of little-endian binary into a double precision float

I have a binary file that I read byte by byte. I come across a section that is 8 bytes long, …

java parsing floating-point precision endianness
PHP and unit testing assertions with decimals

I have a method that returns a float like 1.234567890.I want to test that it really does so. However, it …

php unit-testing phpunit assert precision
How to determine if two doubles are nearly equal

I'm trying to find some Java code to determine if two doubles are nearly equal. I did a lot of …

java math floating-point precision epsilon
Oracle sysdate is not equal to a stored date

Database: Oracle Simplified version: Table T has a column: D ( DATE type ) Now the table is empty. INSERT INTO T (…

sql oracle where-clause precision sysdate