Top "Gettime" questions

Use for questions related to the 'gettime' method, for getting the time in JavaScript.

Why JavaScript getTime() is not a function?

I used the following function: function datediff() { var dat1 = document.getElementById('date1').value; alert(dat1);//i get 2010-04-01 …

javascript function date gettime
jQuery getTime function

is it possible to create a jQuery function so that it gets current date and time? I've been looking around …

jquery gettime
Android: Date (year,month,day)

I want to get the date as a year, month ,day without hours or minutes or any thing else, and …

android date calendar gettime
Calculate time difference between two times javascript

i've looking around how to do this and i found a lot of examples with complicated code. Im using this: …

javascript date time gettime
Get local Date string and time string

I am trying to get the LocaleDateString and the LocaleTimeString which that would be toLocaleString() but LocaleString gives you GMT+0100 (…

javascript gettime
new Date().getTime() not returning timestamp in milliseconds

I've a class which is using java.util.Date class to create a date object and using getTime() to get …

java unix-timestamp gettime
Convert UNIX timestamp to milliseconds

How can I use PHP to get a UNIX timestamp like what I get from the JS method .getTime()? I …

php unix-timestamp gettime
How to get current time in C using gettime()?

We're required to use gettime() to get the current time in C. I'm trying to print the current time but …

c timestamp gettime
why javascript's .getTime() + 24*60*60*1000 get's stack after 27 Oct 2013?

I was just creating a simple calendar when users clicks next it gets the following day, very simple code: var …

javascript date gettime
wrong numbers with clock_gettime and CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID

I'm on a 64bit Ubuntu 12.04 system and tried the following code: #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h&…

c precision clock timing gettime