Top "Postgresql-9.2" questions

for PostgreSQL questions specific to version 9.2.

Postgresql: optimizing columns size for numeric fields

I dont understand how Postgresql (9.2) calculate the column size (in kb), I have this tables: Table d2: Column | Type | ---------+…

database postgresql database-design postgresql-9.2
PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL random value from array of values

How can I declare an array like variable with two or three values and get them randomly during execution? a := [1, 2, 5] …

arrays postgresql random plpgsql postgresql-9.2
How to use dblink_connect and dblink_connect_u

I have two databases in Postgres and want to access the data from one database to other database tables. I …

sql database postgresql postgresql-9.2 dblink
PostgreSQL drop table command is not reducing DB size

I dropped a couple of tables from my Postgres database. However, before dropping tables the size of the database was 6586…

sql postgresql postgresql-9.1 postgresql-9.2 postgresql-8.4
Low Postgres Cache Hit Ratio - data size or something else?

I've just upgraded my Heroku postgres database from the Kappa plan (800MB RAM, postgres 9.1) to the Ronin plan (1.7GB RAM, …

postgresql heroku postgresql-9.1 postgresql-9.2 heroku-postgres
Installing newest version of Rails 4 with Postgres - The PGconn, PGresult, and PGError constants are deprecated

I'm not able to find this warning on Google so asking Stackowerflower's help. I want to install Rails 4.2.8 on fresh …

ruby-on-rails postgresql-9.2
Does postgresql index update on inserting new row?

Sorry if this is a dumb question but do i need to reindex my table every time i insert rows, …

insert indexing postgresql-9.2
How to Auto Increment Alpha-Numeric value in postgresql?

I am using "PostgreSQL 9.3.5" I have a Table(StackOverflowTable) with columns (SoId,SoName,SoDob). I want a Sequence generator for …

postgresql postgresql-9.2 postgresql-9.3
How to get a DataBase Design for POSTGRESQL to create a ER-Diagram?

I am using postgresql 9.2 postgres=# select version(); version ------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 9.2.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit (1 row) and pgadmin III …

postgresql reverse-engineering postgresql-9.2 pgadmin phppgadmin
Unit of return value of ST_Distance

I need to calculate the distance between all buildings and all hospitals in a map imported from OSM. I use …

postgresql postgis postgresql-9.2