Top "Postgresql-9.2" questions

for PostgreSQL questions specific to version 9.2.

Entity Framework 5.0 PostgreSQL (Npgsql) default connection factory

I'm trying to get EF 5.0 code first working with PostgreSQL (Npgsql provider). I have Npgsql installed via NuGet (referenced assembly …

c# .net database entity-framework-5 postgresql-9.2
capture final SQL query generated by hibernate JPA in JBoss AS 7

I have been trying really hard to capture the exact SQL of a really complicated JPA query in my project …

hibernate jpa-2.0 jboss7.x postgresql-9.2 p6spy
Check for value with current_setting()

I'm trying to work with current_setting(). I came up with this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION process_audit() RETURNS TRIGGER …

postgresql postgresql-9.2
Error on creating database in phppgadmin

I have PostgreSQL 9.2.0. On clicking create database it shows following error: SQL error: ERROR: column "spclocation" does not exist LINE 1: ...…

database postgresql-9.2 phppgadmin
Dropping column in Postgres on a large dataset

So I have a table with a large dataset and this table has a three columns that I would like …

postgresql database-design ddl database-performance postgresql-9.2
Where can I get pldbgapi.sql in order to install the debugger for postgresql?

I am trying to install the debugger for postgresql on Linux so I can use pgAdmin to debug my functions. …

postgresql postgresql-9.2 pgadmin
Is the debugger plug-in not available for PostgreSQL 9.2 EnterpriseDB for Win7 x-64

I followed the installation notes C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\doc\installation-notes.html Edited the postgresql.conf file shared_preload_libraries = …

debugging plugins failed-installation postgresql-9.2 enterprisedb
Function Getting the right week number of year

I want to create a function to get the right week number of year. I already posted here to find …

postgresql postgresql-9.2 week-number
psql: symbol lookup error: psql: undefined symbol: PQsetErrorContextVisibility

I switched my postgres version from 9.2.24 to 9.6 because I need jsonb compatibility along with other recent features. I am running …

postgresql centos7 postgresql-9.2 postgres-9.6
Postgres LIKE with column value as substring

I'm trying to compose a WHERE statement that will match rows where a column value is a substring of another …

sql postgresql postgresql-9.2