Top "Postgresql-9.0" questions

Questions specific to version 9.0 of the widely-used PostgreSQL relational database system

postgresql error PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record

When I load up the postgres server (v9.0.1) i get a panic that prevents it from starting: PANIC: could not …

postgresql postgresql-9.0
DATE_FORMAT in postgresql

I'm working in postgresql and I need to convert the date format in query itself, in mysql there is option …

mysql database postgresql postgresql-9.1 postgresql-9.0
A postgresql query won't finish

on postgresl 9.0 we have a sql query: SELECT count(*) FROM lane WHERE not exists (SELECT 1 FROM id_map WHERE id_…

sql postgresql postgresql-9.0
INFO output despite "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING" just before

postgresql-9.0.15 on CentOS 6.5. I have a plperlu function that outputs an INFO message. I want to suppress it during testing (…

postgresql logging session-variables error-logging postgresql-9.0
Is there any difference between integer and bit(n) data types for a bitmask?

I am working with a table in a PostgreSQL database that has several boolean columns that determine some state (e.…

postgresql sqldatatypes bitmask postgresql-9.0

I want to do the following in PostgreSQL (using Hibernate): ALTER TABLE fruits ADD CONSTRAINTS id ON DELETE CASCADE; Obviously, …

hibernate postgresql cascade cascading-deletes postgresql-9.0
ERROR: function unnest(integer[]) does not exist in postgresql

SELECT UNNEST(ARRAY[1,2,3,4]) While executing the above query I got the error like this: ERROR: function unnest(integer[]) does not …

postgresql rails-postgresql postgresql-9.0 postgresql-8.4