Top "Post-commit" questions

Editing the git commit message in GitHub

Is there any way of online editing the commit message in, after submission? From the command line, one …

git github commit post-commit
How do I make Subversion (SVN) send email on checkins?

I've always found checkin (commit) mails to be very useful for keeping track of what work other people are doing …

svn hook post-commit post-commit-hook
This client is too old to work with working copy

Everywhere I go on google I get the same answer to this problem but it is the wrong answer for …

svn tortoisesvn windows-server-2008 post-commit
Running another program in Windows bat file and not create child process

I have subversion server with a post-commit hook to do something. I want the checkin finish soon, not wait the …

windows batch-file svn svn-hooks post-commit
Post Commit Hook Not Running

My post commit hook is not running after git. I have verified that the hook does work if I just …

git bash github post-commit githooks
Using SVN post-commit hook to update only files that have been committed

I am using an SVN repository for my web development work. I have a development site set up which holds …

svn hook post-commit
Subversion Post-Commit Hooks

I am having some issues getting post-commit hooks to work. Subversion doesn't appear to be triggering my post-commit hook when …

svn visualsvn-server post-commit svn-hooks
SVN Post-Commit Hook error 255

I am trying to create a very simple post-commit hook for a repository I have set up on my server. …

svn bash post-commit post-commit-hook
svn update not working in post commit

I am trying to implement a post-commit hook to update a working copy. As far as i can figure out …

svn hook post-commit
Jenkins commit a file after successful build

I am using Jenkins, Ant , Flex and Java for my web application. Currently I update a build version file in …

file ant jenkins checkin post-commit