SVN Post-Commit Hook error 255

Brendon Dugan picture Brendon Dugan · Oct 20, 2011 · Viewed 15.2k times · Source

I am trying to create a very simple post-commit hook for a repository I have set up on my server. The script is as follows:


cd /var/www/directory && svn update --username user --password pass

When I run a commit from my SVN client, I get the following error:

post-commit hook failed (exit code 255) with no output.

However, when I run my post-commit hook from cli with sudo bash post-commit, it executes perfectly. Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?


chown picture chown · Oct 20, 2011

255 means a file wasn't found, try using the absolute path to all files:


cd /var/www/directory && /usr/bin/svn update --username user --password pass

The PATH env variable of the environment in which the post commit hook is running probably isn't set to include wherever the SVN executable lives.