Top "Posixct" questions

In the R language, the classes "POSIXct" and "POSIXlt" are representing calendar dates and times (to the nearest second).

understanding dates/times (POSIXc and POSIXct) in R

I'm reading a table and it contains strings that describe timestamps. I just want to convert from string to a …

r datetime posixct
Reliable way to detect if a column in a data.frame is.POSIXct

R has is.vector, is.list, is.integer, is.double, is.numeric, is.factor, is.character, etc. Why is there …

r datetime posixct
Character POSIXct Conversion in R causes wrong timezone values on daylight saving time transition (CEST/CET))

I have a problem converting POSIXct to character and back in POSIXct in R. I run the following code: time_…

r posixct
Valid time zones in lubridate

A quick google search seems to get me nowhere. What are valid time zones in lubridate's tz option? In particular, …

r posixct lubridate