Top "Posixct" questions

In the R language, the classes "POSIXct" and "POSIXlt" are representing calendar dates and times (to the nearest second).

R time_trans works with objects of class POSIXct

I have data with stock prices(data). Stock data I would like to visualize it. I first use ggplot R …

r ggplot2 time-series posixct scales-xml
Milliseconds in POSIXct Class

How can I parse milliseconds correctly? as.POSIXct function works as following in my environment. > as.POSIXct("2014-02-24 11:30:00.001") [1] "2014…

r posixct
Remove seconds from time in R

I am trying to remove the seconds from a column of hours in POSIXct format: #"2016-04-02 10:33:45 COT" "2016-04-02 22:19:24 …

r posixct
rounding times to the nearest hour in R

I have data in the format time <- c("16:53", "10:57", "11:58") etc I would like to create a new column where …

r datetime timestamp posixct
Add one year to a posix time

I have a date like "2016-01-01" (YYYY-MM-DD) and I'm using as.numeric(as.POSIXct(...)) to use it as an …

r date posixct
Accurately converting from character->POSIXct->character with sub millisecond datetimes

I have a character datetime column in a file. I load the file (into a data.table) and do things …

r posixct
Modifying timezone of a POSIXct object without changing the display

I have a POSIXct object and would like to change it's tz attribute WITHOUT R to interpret it (interpret it …

r timezone posixct
How to initialize data.frame with column of type POSIXct?

I can initialize a data.frame via df <- data.frame(a=numeric(), b=character()) But how do I …

r dataframe posixct
How to make an empty vector of POSIXct

I want to make an empty vector of POSIXct so that I can put a POSIXct in it: vec <…

r posixct
Adding missing rows

The format of my excel data file is: day value 01-01-2000 00:00:00 4 01-01-2000 00:01:00 3 01-01-2000 00:02:00 1 01-01-2000 00:04:00 1 I open …

r posixct