Top "Write.table" questions


Unimplemented type list when trying to write.table

I have the following data.table (data.frame) called output: > head(output) Id Title IsProhibited 1 10000074 Renault Logan, 2005 0 2 10000124 Ñêëàäñêîå ïîìåùåíèå, 345 ì<U+00…

r dataframe write.table
write.table writes unwanted leading empty column to header when has rownames

check this example: > a = matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:3], LETTERS[1:3])) > a A B C A 1 4 7 B 2 5 8 C 3 6 9 …

r export-to-csv write.table
Write a dataframe to csv file with value of NA as blank

There is a dataframe named cnbd, for example: cnbd = data.frame(1,2,3,NA,NA,5) Thus the expression: dim(cnbd)[1] give 1. I …

r csv write.table
Avoid quotation marks in column and row names when using write.table

I have the following data in a file called "data.txt": pid 1 2 4 15 18 20 1_at 100 200 89 189 299 788 2_at 8 78 33 89 90 99 3_xt 300 45 53 234 89 34 4_dx 49 34 88 8 9 15 The data is separated …

r double-quotes write.table
Is there an efficient way to append to an existing csv file without duplicates in R?

There is a data.frame appended to a existing file. When it is appended by write.table function, it might …

r csv dataframe append write.table