Top "Ports" questions

A port is a communication end-point in the context of network communications or an interaction point for inter-component interactions.

Java: Common way to validate and convert "host:port" to InetSocketAddress?

What is the common way in Java to validate and convert a string of the form host:port into an …

java networking sockets hostname ports
Different ports used by consul

What are the different ports used by consul? What is the purpose of each port? Is there any way to …

ports consul
How to list exposed port of all containers?

We have lots of containers started using Rancher with each container exposing multiple ports. Since we started the containers with …

docker networking ports rancher
MSDTC - how many ports are needed

I have a considerably large application that uses MSDTC. How many ports should I open? Is there any way to …

firewall msdtc ports
How to "unbind" a socket programmatically?

1) The socket doesn't seem to unbind from the LocalEndPoint until the process ends. 2) I have tried the solutions from the …

c# sockets shutdown ports unbind
How to connect to docker mysql container on remote machine

I have two machines. My machine with IP1(Europe), and other machine with public IP2(USA). On IP2 I have …

mysql docker remote-access ports
Docker not port forwarding correctly?

I am trying to run a gitlab docker image, and everything is running fine except that when I navigate to …

docker containers gitlab portforwarding ports
How to configure Apache Spark random worker ports for tight firewalls?

I am using Apache Spark to run machine learning algorithms and other big data tasks. Previously, I was using spark …

configuration apache-spark worker ports
JBoss AS 7 with two webapps on different http ports?

To replace a legacy service I am interested in having two different webapps on two different HTTP port numbers, e.…

web-applications configuration jboss7.x ports
How can I install Git on FreeBSD after error code 1?

I want to install Git but it gives me error. I enter make clean install and it says: ===> git-2.1.0 …

git freebsd ports gitweb