Top "Pojo" questions

POJO is an acronym for Plain Old Java Object.

Lombok builder pattern with jackson JsonProperty

I have constructed a Java Object using lombok with builder pattern. But, I am getting the following exception when trying …

java jackson pojo lombok jackson-databind
How to deserialize XML with annotations using FasterXML

I have the following XML schema: <Courses semester="1"> <Course code="A231" credits="3">Intermediate A</Course&…

java xml jackson pojo fasterxml
Defining a default constructor and a secondary constructor in Kotlin, with properties

I'm trying to make a simple POJO (POKO?) class in Kotlin, with a default empty constructor and a secondary constructor …

constructor kotlin pojo
getters and setters performing additional logic

I have a Java class which represents the correlation between two elements (typical POJO): public class Correlation { private final String …

java pojo
Java to XSD or XSD to Java

I know that, using JAXB, you can generate Java files from an XSD and that you can also generate the …

java xsd jaxb pojo
How to handle parser exceptions during unmarshalling of JSON data?

I am using Jersey in my Web-application. The data sent to the server is in JSON format, which in turn …

java json parsing jersey pojo
MyBatis retrieve Integer as Enum from MySql DB

I hava a POJO which contains an enum property. [] public class SpeedEntry implements Serializable { [...] private int idSpeed; private …

mysql enums mybatis pojo
Custom Class for JasperReports field

I would like to create a report with a custom class as follows: public class Class1 { String cl1_f1; String …

jasper-reports pojo
Complex Java object to CSV

I'm trying to generate a CSV file from a rather complex Java object. The object is a Session with some …

java csv pojo supercsv
toString() in POJO Class

Is it required to add toString() in all the POJO classes? Its kind of a very basic question but I …

java tostring pojo apache-stringutils