Top "Supercsv" questions

Super CSV is a fast and free open-source CSV API for Java.

OpenCSV - How to map selected columns to Java Bean regardless of order?

I have a CSV file with the following columns: id, fname, telephone, lname, address. I have a Person class with …

java csv opencsv supercsv
Unwanted double quotes in generated csv file

I have created a CSV file using the Java code below: String csv = rs.getString("UPLOAD_FOLDER_PATH")+".csv"; CSVWriter …

java csv file-io opencsv supercsv
Java - Write hashmap to a csv file

I have a hashmap with a String key and String value. It contains a large number of keys and their …

java csv hashmap supercsv
Creating multiple sheets in CSV file

I am using superCSV to write data in csv format in my code. Its working absolutely fine and very efficiently , …

java csv web-development-server supercsv
Using CsvBeanReader to read a CSV file with a variable number of columns

So I'm working on parsing a .csv file. I took the advice of another thread somewhere on StackOverflow and downloaded …

java csv supercsv
NoSuchMethodException: java.time.LocalDateTime.<init>() reading CSV using Super CSV

I have written an entity that contains just a LocalDateTime to a CSV file using Super CSV's ICsvDozerBeanWriter and I …

java csv java-8 dozer supercsv
Complex Java object to CSV

I'm trying to generate a CSV file from a rather complex Java object. The object is a Session with some …

java csv pojo supercsv
Parse CSV to multiple/nested bean types with OpenCSV?

I have various CSVs that contain some standard columns and some completely random fields: firstname, lastname, dog_name, fav_hat, …

java opencsv supercsv
write UTF-8 BOM with supercsv

I am using supercscv to write an utf-8 encoded csv. It produces a normal file but excel doesn't recognize it …

java csv utf-8 byte-order-mark supercsv
How do I upload a CSV file and then automatically insert the data into the DB?

I have Java based Spring MVC application that also uses Spring security. I am using hibernate as an ORM tool …

java spring web-applications file-upload supercsv