I would like to create a report with a custom class as follows:
public class Class1 {
String cl1_f1;
String cl1_f2;
public class Class2 {
String cl2_f1;
String cl2_f2;
Class1 cl1_ob1;
Now I pass Class2 in the report through fields and JRBeanCollectionDataSource.
<subDataset name="myitems">
<field name="cl2_f1" class="java.lang.String"/>
<field name="cl2_f2" class="java.lang.String"/>
**<field name="cl1_ob1" class="Class2"/>**
For the third parameter, I would like to mention one of its fields. For example: cl1_ob1.cl1_f1
How can I accomplish this?
In the Jasper report design, the field will be defined as below:
<field name="cl1_ob1" class="Class1">
And the 2 variables of Class1 can be accessed by calling the getter method (if there is one) or you can use the variable directly, depending on it's access privileges. For Example, $F{cl1_ob1}.getCl1_f1() can be used as a text-field expression, as shown below:
<reportElement x="36" y="26" width="235" height="20"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle"/>