Top "Pmd" questions

PMD scans source code and looks for potential problems like possible bugs, dead code, suboptimal code, overcomplicated expressions, and duplicate code.

Unsupported @SuppressWarnings("PMD.DoNotCallSystemExit")

I need to use System.exit(0) in an application. Eclipse has the PMD plugin installed and complains about this line …

eclipse pmd suppress-warnings systemexit
How to fix the following PMD violations

I am using PMD to analyze code and it produces a few high priority warnings which I do not know …

java code-analysis static-analysis pmd
Java error: New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost

try { // code which throws exception. } catch (SQLException sqlex) { logger.error("Custom message", sqlex); **throw new CustomApplicationException("Custom message", sqlex);** } In …

java exception pmd rethrow
java :Why the Local variable should be declared final

Possible Duplicate: Is there any performance reason to declare method parameters final in Java? Why would one mark local variables …

java final pmd
String literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison

!mapData.get("PARTY_ID").equals("") // <-- gives SonarQube error In the above piece of code, I am getting "String …

java sonarqube pmd
What is the full form of PMD?

I am using PMD in my Java project for code review. Just want to know what the acronym "P.M.…

java pmd abbreviation acronym
Can't import PMD Ruleset in Eclipse

I would like to use the same Ruleset in my IDE (Eclipse) that my Sonar profile. I got the PMD …

import eclipse-plugin sonarqube rules pmd
PMD - NPath complexity very high with ternary operator (?

I'm using PMD to generate some code quality report on a project. I don't understand a result for the NPath …

Is there a Findbugs and / or PMD equivalent for C/C++?

I was recently asked about alternatives to Coverity Prevent for a code base that includes both C/C++ and Java. …

java c++ c findbugs pmd
What is the right position of literals in String Comparison?

I have if (localName.equals("TaxName")) { but PMD says Position literals first in String comparisons

java pmd