Top "Plyr" questions

plyr is an R package with tools to solve a variety of problems using the split-apply-combine strategy

dplyr: "Error in n(): function should not be called directly"

I am attempting to reproduce one of the examples in the dplyr package but am getting this error message. I …

r function plyr dplyr conflicting-libraries
ddply for sum by group in R

I have a sample dataframe "data" as follows: X Y Month Year income 2281205 228120 3 2011 1000 2281212 228121 9 2010 1100 2281213 228121 12 2010 900 2281214 228121 3 2011 9000 2281222 228122 6 2010 1111 2281223 228122 9 2010 3000 2281224 228122 12 2010 1889 2281225 228122 3 2011 778 2281243 228124 12 2010 1111 2281244 228124 3 2011 200 2281282 228128 9 2010 7889 2281283 228128 12 2010 2900 2281284 228128 3 2011 3400 2281302 228130 9 2010 1200 2281303 228130 12 2010 2000 2281304 228130 3 2011 1900 2281352 228135 9 2010 2300 2281353 228135 12 2010 1333 2281354 228135 3 2011 2340 I want to use the ddply to …

r plyr
How to get top n companies from a data frame in decreasing order

I am trying to get the top 'n' companies from a data frame.Here is my code below. data("Forbes2000", …

r sorting plyr top-n
Sum of rows based on column value

I want to sum rows that have the same value in one column: > df <- data.frame("1"=c("…

r plyr
Standard error bars using stat_summary

The following code produces bar plots with standard error bars using Hmisc, ddply and ggplot: means_se <- ddply(…

r ggplot2 plyr
meaning of ddply error: 'names' attribute [9] must be the same length as the vector [1]

I'm going through Machine Learning for Hackers, and I am stuck at this line: from.weight <- ddply(priority.…

r plyr
dplyr summarise: Equivalent of ".drop=FALSE" to keep groups with zero length in output

When using summarise with plyr's ddply function, empty categories are dropped by default. You can change this behavior by adding .…

r dplyr plyr tidyr
Convert data from long format to wide format with multiple measure columns

I am having trouble figuring out the most elegant and flexible way to switch data from long format to wide …

r dataframe plyr
Efficient alternatives to merge for larger data.frames R

I am looking for an efficient (both computer resource wise and learning/implementation wise) method to merge two larger (size&…

r merge dataframe plyr data.table
Count occurrences of factor in R, with zero counts reported

I want to count the number of occurrences of a factor in a data frame. For example, to count the …

r plyr