Top "Plyr" questions

plyr is an R package with tools to solve a variety of problems using the split-apply-combine strategy

Learning to understand plyr, ddply

I've been attempting to understand what and how plyr works through trying different variables and functions and seeing what results. …

r plyr
Efficient multiplication of columns in a data frame

I have a large data frame in which I am multiplying two columns together to get another column. At first …

r dataframe plyr
Problem loading the plyr package

I use R 2.13.1 and have unsuccessfully tried to load the package "plyr 1.6" in R. I have manually installed it into …

r plyr
ggplot2 fails to install on R 3.0.2

I am unable to install ggplot2 in R 3.0.2 on Ubuntu. When I run install.packages('ggplot2',dependencies = TRUE) I …

r ggplot2 plyr
Returning first row of group

I have a dataframe consisting of an ID, that is the same for each element in a group, two datetimes …

r aggregate plyr
What does the dot mean in R – personal preference, naming convention or more?

I am (probably) NOT referring to the "all other variables" meaning like var1~. here. I was pointed to plyr once …

r coding-style naming-conventions plyr
Merge Rows within Data Frame

I have a relational dataset, where I'm looking for dyadic information. I have 4 columns. Sender, Receiver, Attribute, Edge I'm looking …

r plyr data.table
ddply + summarize for repeating same statistical function across large number of columns

Ok, second R question in quick succession. My data: Timestamp St_01 St_02 ... 1 2008-02-08 00:00:00 26.020 25.840 ... 2 2008-02-08 00:10:00 25.985 25.790 ... 3 2008-02-08 00:20:00 25.930 25.765 ... 4 2008-02-08 00:30:00 25.925 25.730 ... 5 2008…

r multiple-columns plyr idioms split-apply-combine
Why am I seeing "Error: length(rows) == 1 is not TRUE" with ddply?

I have a data frame, say payroll, like: payroll <- read.table(text=" AgencyName Rate PayBasis Status NumRate HousingAuthority $26,843.00 …

r plyr summary
How to fill NA with median?

Example data: set.seed(1) df <- data.frame(years=sort(rep(2005:2010, 12)), months=1:12, value=c(rnorm(60),NA,NA,NA,NA,…

r plyr data.table statistics