Top "Plist" questions

A plist file, also known as a "Property List" file, stores serialized objects such as arrays, dictionaries, and strings.

access to plist in app bundle returns null

I'm using a piece of code I've used before with success to load a plist into an array: NSString *filePath = [[…

objective-c ios plist nsbundle
can't find info.plist in xcode 4

So the regular intro: I am a newbie to objective c, searched everywhere and could not find, so please help... …

objective-c xcode4 plist
Editing plist file using shell script

I have used pkgbuild to create a default Component Property List file. The file looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="…

macos shell scripting plist pkgbuild
Converting plist to binary plist

Apple strongly recommends using the binary plist format when reading large XML-based data sets into iPhone apps. Among their reasoning …

objective-c iphone cocoa-touch plist core-foundation
iOS extensions with multiple targets

In iOS 8, when we create an app extension, we have to decide which target it is attached to. The extension …

ios plist code-signing ios-app-extension bundle-identifier
Xcode 10 unexpected duplicate task: CopyPlistFile

Today I updated my Xcode from v.9.4.1 to v.10.0. Now I try to build my tvOS project and I see …

xcode cocoapods plist tvos xcode10
Parsing mobileprovision files in bash?

I am tying building a php/bash/mysql system for automating adhoc distribution for iPhone apps. But I want to …

iphone bash shell plist adhoc
CFBundleDocumentTypes & UIFileSharingEnabled issues

Has anyone gotten UIFileSharingEnabled or CFBundleDocumentTypes to work? I added UIFileSharingEnabled as true to my plist and used Apple's example …

file-io ipad plist info.plist
brew services: where to edit configuration?

Brew services has installed this plist file for mysql. ~ $ brew services list Name Status User Plist mysql56 started mh /Users/…

mysql plist homebrew
xcode info.plist build variable ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} seems completely undocumented?

I'm trying to find documentation that describe the syntax and possibilities suggested by the construction ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}. Obviously …

ios xcode plist rfc1034identifier