Top "Playframework-1.x" questions

The Play!

How do I add Jars to the classpath in Play Framework?

My project needs to use some third-party jars. I assume I drop these in the lib/ directory in my project, …

java eclipse playframework playframework-1.x
Integration Testing with Redis

I've started using Redis in my project with the help of the Jedis library. All is working fine but now …

java redis integration-testing playframework-1.x jedis
Postgresql with Play Framework

Im trying to use Postgresql with Play for their Yabe tutorial and get this error: Cannot connected to the database, …

playframework playframework-1.x
Play! framework uses a <lot> of statics

Waaah, the Play! framework has so many static methods. Where I go to school, we were told never ever to …

java static playframework playframework-1.x
JPA/Hibernate improve batch insert performance

I have a data model that has a ONE TO MANY relationship between ONE entity and 11 other entities. These 12 entities …

hibernate jpa playframework bulkinsert playframework-1.x
How can I specify a local jar file as a dependency in Play! Framework 1.x

I have a jar file copied in the lib directory I'd like to run "play deps --sync" without this jar …

maven playframework dependencies playframework-1.x
How to extend the playframework?

Sometime it's necessary to extends a framework. Sometimes it's necessary to hook into the request/response lifecycle, for example for …

playframework playframework-1.x
Illegal pattern character 'Y' on Ubuntu

I use this pattern SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); in windows and it works, but when try …

java windows-7 ubuntu-10.04 simpledateformat playframework-1.x
JPA Query Select many-to-one Query with a count

So I'm trying to write a JPA query based on the classes below (dumbed down a bit) that will produce …

java jpa playframework-1.x
How do I get incoming request IP address in Java Play 1.2.4

I see in Play! 2.0 there is Http.Context.current()…

playframework playframework-1.x