JPA Query Select many-to-one Query with a count

gordon picture gordon · Apr 2, 2013 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

So I'm trying to write a JPA query based on the classes below (dumbed down a bit) that will produce the following:

So I have two objects: Thing and Person. A Person can hold a reference to a single Thing. Here are simplified version of the Classes:

public class Thing {
    public Long id;
    public String name;
    public String description;

public class Person {
    public Long id;
    public String firstname;
    public String lastname;
    public Thing thing;

I'm trying to write a JPA query that will give me all the details of every Thing object as well as the number of times that Thing object is referenced by a Person object. Note that a Person could have the value null for Thing. Also a Thing object might not be referenced by any Person object at all but should still be listed.

So given the following tables:

Thing Table
| id | name | description |
|  1 | thg1 | a thing     |
|  2 | thg2 | another one |
|  3 | thg3 | one more    |

Person Table
| id | firstname | lastname | thing |
|  1 | John      | Smith    |     1 |
|  2 | Simon     | Doe      |     3 |
|  3 | Anne      | Simmons  |     1 |
|  4 | Jessie    | Smith    |     1 |
|  5 | Adam      | Doe      |     3 |
|  6 | Phil      | Murray   |  null |

I would end up with a result like:

| id | name | description | amount |
|  1 | thg1 | a thing     |      3 |
|  2 | thg2 | another one |      2 |
|  3 | thg3 | one more    |      0 |

How would I go about writing that JPA Query? (If it makes a difference I'm using the Play Framework 1.2.5)


dcernahoschi picture dcernahoschi · Apr 2, 2013

It should be something like this:

select,, t.description, count(p) as amount
         from Person as p right join p.thing as t group by

The reason for the unusual "right join" is that JPA queries requires mappings between query classes and you only have one from Person to Thing.

If you had a mapping from Thing to Person:

class Thing {
    Set<Person> persons;

you could use the classic "left join":

select,, t.description, count(p) as amount
             from Thing as t left join t.persons as p group by