Text is a sequence of characters that is most often used to represent a cohesive piece of information.
is it possible to create a plain text file with AS3 or AIR? example: i would like to create a …
actionscript-3 file air plaintextAs far as I can think, there are two reasonable ways to reset a user's forgotten password. Have the user …
plaintext password-recovery forgot-passwordI've been setting up an import script for plain-text files in a web application. My script is as follows: function …
javascript import content-type plaintext filereaderWhen creating a Swift_Message you can have both a plain text and an html version of the email. You …
html swiftmailer plaintextI'm writing a HTTP client which doesn't have any encoding algorithms built into it yet. Therefore, I was wondering if …
http plaintext http-accept-encodingI want to return a simple plain text string as follows: @RestController @RequestMapping("/test") public class TestController { @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @…
spring plaintext spring-restcontrollerI am trying to use Python 3 to extract the body of email messages from a thunderbird mbox file. It is …
email python-3.x content-type plaintext mboxUsing Google Apps Script, I want to set the format for a Google Sheets cell to plain text. The reason …
google-apps-script google-sheets format plaintext