The Accept-Encoding request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the content-codings (section 3.5) that are acceptable in the response.
I'm writing a HTTP client which doesn't have any encoding algorithms built into it yet. Therefore, I was wondering if …
http plaintext http-accept-encodingWhat is the difference between the two HTTP headers? Accept-Encoding:gzip Content-Encoding:gzip
http-headers gzip content-encoding http-accept-encodingI thought this was a simple google search, but apparently I'm wrong on that. I've seen that you should supply: …
http compression gzip http-accept-encodingWe have developed an application that offers serveral rest services and supports Accept-Encoding header to return compressed content through Content-Encoding:…
aws-api-gateway http-accept-encodingCan I use page says that Chrome supports brotli for some time now. I would think that the Accept-Encoding string …
google-chrome http-accept-encoding brotli