Top "Phpunit" questions

PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP.

How do you install PHPUnit without using PEAR on Mac OS X 10.5?

I am having trouble installing PEAR, but I really only want to install PHPUnit. Does anyone have experience doing this?

php phpunit pear
"headers already sent" Error returned during PHPUnit tests

I'm testing a suite of REST web services with PHPUnit. We're using output buffering in order to gzip-encode the responses. …

phpunit output-buffering
Unit testing custom validation constraint in Symfony 2.1 but without accessing the container?

How can i unit test ContainsItalianVatinValidator custom validator, but w*ithout accessing the container* and the validator service (and thus, …

symfony phpunit symfony-2.1
PHPUnit : Fatal error handling

I use PHPUnit for unit tests, but when a fatal error is triggered, the script dies and I have no …

php error-handling phpunit fatal-error
How to use PHPUnit assert methods in a Codeception functional test?

I'm using Codeception for unit, functional, and acceptance tests of my Laravel 4 PHP application. My unit tests look this: use …

phpunit codeception
Error using Mockery/phpUnit in Laravel

I'm a novice developer trying to get a test suite started for an existing laravel app but I have not …

php laravel phpunit mockery
php:use "Mockery" to mock a static method called in another static method

I want to mock a static method which has been used in another method using Mokcery,Just as follows: Class …

php testing phpunit mockery
How to log in User in Session within a Functional Test in Symfony 2.3?

I have read many posts on stackoverflow about this. But most of the methods not useful in Symfony 2.3. So I …

php symfony phpunit symfony-2.3
Parallel PHPUnit testing in integration tests

As the time needed for run complete PHPUnit suite raises, our team starts wondering if there is a possibility to …

php unit-testing phpunit integration-testing parallel-testing
Temporary Doctrine2 fixtures for testing with phpunit

I have an application built on Symfony2 + Doctrine2 which I want to create some tests for (using phpunit). For example …

testing symfony doctrine-orm phpunit fixtures