PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP.
How to run PHPUnit test suite with bootstrap file with phing? My app structure: application/ library/ tests/ application/ library/ bootstrap.…
unit-testing zend-framework testing phpunit phingI have a method that returns a float like 1.234567890.I want to test that it really does so. However, it …
php unit-testing phpunit assert precisionI'm having some problems with phpunit. When I execute a test, phpunit give me these warnings: 1) Warning No tests found …
phpunit ignore testcaseI have created a very simple REST controller in Symony2 with Database insert/updates/deletes in the controller actions. Is …
php symfony phpunit symfony-2.1I am setting up PHPUnit on a project which is structured the following way : - build - src - service # …
php phpunit whitelistI am wondering about what "strict mode is in PHPUnit" ? eg: phpunit --strict or in phpunit.xml <phpunit strict="…
php unit-testing phpunitI want to do something like: $I->setExpectedException('Laracasts\Validation\FormValidationException'); In a functional cept. Any chance to do …
php laravel laravel-4 phpunit codeceptionI'm trying to test my form. It will be constructing other objects, so I need a way to mock them. …
php zend-framework zend-form phpunit