Top "Php-password-hash" questions

Password hashing API to simplify creating and managing passwords in a way that they cannot be easily reversed.

How to use PHP's password_hash to hash and verify passwords

Recently I have been trying to implement my own security on a log in script I stumbled upon on the …

php salt password-hash php-password-hash
How to check username and password matches the database values

I'm really sorry if the question looks silly. But I've been trying for days to check my username and password …

php mysql passwords password-hash php-password-hash
php password_hash and password_verify issues no match

I am trying out a new function from PHP 5.5 called password_hash(). No matter what i do the $hash and …

php passwords php-password-hash
Using PHP 5.5's password_hash and password_verify function

Say I wanted to store a password for a user, would this be the right way to do it with …

php mysql hash passwords php-password-hash
Call to undefined function password_hash()

I am running php version 5.4.16 on localhost right now, while I am developing my site. I want to use password_…

php password-encryption password-hash php-password-hash undefined-function
PHP password_hash(), password_verify()

My registration script accepts a user's password and then uses PHP's password_hash function to encrypt the password, then places …

php php-password-hash

What is the difference between PASSWORD_DEFAULT and PASSWORD_BCRYPT? Do they both use Blowfish encryption algorithm? What is cost …

php bcrypt blowfish php-password-hash
How do I use the Argon2 algorithm with password_hash?

So I heard that PHP 7.2 introduced the new Argon2 algorithm. But I'm confused on how I can use it with …

php algorithm php-password-hash php-7.2 argon2-ffi
Password does not match after being encrypted using crypt() and password_hash() function

I modified my old post. I tried the crypt() function and now trying to work with password_hash() and password_…

php security passwords php-password-hash
password_hash returns different value every time

I'm making a login system, and I want to hash the passwords to make them more secure, but it returns …

php hash passwords php-password-hash