Top "Php-amqplib" questions

This library is a pure PHP implementation of the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

RabbitMQ error timeout

I've set up RabbitMQ in order to parse some 20.000 requests from an external API but it keeps timing out after …

php ubuntu nginx rabbitmq php-amqplib
RabbitMQ - How to check if queue is empty?

I have a web service interface that abstracts a RabbitMQ server (don't ask me why, I know it's an unnecessary …

php rabbitmq php-amqplib
RabbitMq connection reset by peer

I have stainger error with RabbitMQ. I send some information of product threw RabbitMq and Php, but something went wrong. …

php rabbitmq php-amqplib
PHP RabbitMQ setTimeout or other option to stop waiting for queue

I'm required to create a simple queue manager to pass a number from a sender to a consumer. Hello World …

php rabbitmq wait amqp php-amqplib
How to use channel.assertQueue function from amqplib library for node.JS?

I am developing a messaging app using RabbitMQ, and Node.JS. I am using amqplib for this purpose. I am …

javascript node.js rabbitmq amqp php-amqplib