Pretty straightforward question: Given an N x N symmetric matrix A and an N-vector x, is there a built-in Matlab function to calculate x'*A*x
? i.e., instead of y = x'*A*x
, is there a function quadraticform
s.t. y = quadraticform(A, x)
Obviously I can just do y = x'*A*x
, but I need performance and it seems like there ought to be a way to take advantage of
is symmetricIf there's not a single built-in function, is there method that's faster than x'*A*x
? OR, is the Matlab parser smart enough to optimize x'*A*x
? If so, can you point me to a place in the documentation that verifies the fact?
I couldn't find such a built-in function, and I have an idea why.
can be written as a sum of n^2
terms A(i,j)*x(i)*x(j)
, where i
and j
runs from 1
to n
(where A
is an nxn
matrix). A
is symmetric: A(i,j) = A(j,i)
for all i
and j
. Due to symmetry, every term appears twice in the sum, except for those where i
equals j
. So we have n*(n+1)/2
different terms. Each has two floating-point multiplications, so a naive method would need n*(n+1)
multiplications in total. It is easy to see that the naive calculation of x'*A*x
, that is, calculating z=A*x
and then y=x'*z
, also needs n*(n+1)
multiplications. However, there is a faster way to sum our n*(n+1)/2
different terms: for every i
, we can factor out x(i)
, which means that only n*(n-1)/2+3*n
multiplications is enough. But this does not really help: the running time of the calculation of y=x'*A*x
is still O(n^2)
So, I think that the calculation of quadratic forms cannot be done faster than O(n^2)
, and since this can also be achieved by the formula y=x'*A*x
, there would be no real advantage of a special "quadraticform" function.
=== UPDATE ===
I've written the function "quadraticform" in C, as a Matlab extension:
// y = quadraticform(A, x)
#include "mex.h"
/* Input Arguments */
#define A_in prhs[0]
#define x_in prhs[1]
/* Output Arguments */
#define y_out plhs[0]
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
mwSize mA, nA, n, mx, nx;
double *A, *x;
double z, y;
int i, j, k;
if (nrhs != 2) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Two input arguments required.");
} else if (nlhs > 1) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
mA = mxGetM(A_in);
nA = mxGetN(A_in);
if (mA != nA)
mexErrMsgTxt("The first input argument must be a quadratic matrix.");
n = mA;
mx = mxGetM(x_in);
nx = mxGetN(x_in);
if (mx != n || nx != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("The second input argument must be a column vector of proper size.");
A = mxGetPr(A_in);
x = mxGetPr(x_in);
y = 0.0;
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
z = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j)
z += A[k + j] * x[j];
z *= x[i];
y += A[k + i] * x[i] * x[i] + z + z;
k += n;
y_out = mxCreateDoubleScalar(y);
I saved this code as "quadraticform.c", and compiled it with Matlab:
mex -O quadraticform.c
I wrote a simple performance test to compare this function with x'Ax:
clear all; close all; clc;
sizes = int32(logspace(2, 3, 25));
nsizes = length(sizes);
etimes = zeros(nsizes, 2); % Matlab vs. C
nrepeats = 100;
h = waitbar(0, 'Please wait...');
for i = 1 : nrepeats
for j = 1 : nsizes
n = sizes(j);
A = randn(n);
A = (A + A') / 2;
x = randn(n, 1);
if randn > 0
start = tic;
y1 = x' * A * x;
etimes(j, 1) = etimes(j, 1) + toc(start);
start = tic;
y2 = quadraticform(A, x);
etimes(j, 2) = etimes(j, 2) + toc(start);
start = tic;
y2 = quadraticform(A, x);
etimes(j, 2) = etimes(j, 2) + toc(start);
start = tic;
y1 = x' * A * x;
etimes(j, 1) = etimes(j, 1) + toc(start);
if abs((y1 - y2) / y2) > 1e-10
error('"x'' * A * x" is not equal to "quadraticform(A, x)"');
waitbar(((i - 1) * nsizes + j) / (nrepeats * nsizes), h);
clear A x y;
etimes = etimes / nrepeats;
n = double(sizes);
n2 = n .^ 2.0;
i = nsizes - 2 : nsizes;
n2_1 = mean(etimes(i, 1)) * n2 / mean(n2(i));
n2_2 = mean(etimes(i, 2)) * n2 / mean(n2(i));
loglog(n, etimes(:, 1), 'r.-', 'LineSmoothing', 'on');
hold on;
loglog(n, etimes(:, 2), 'g.-', 'LineSmoothing', 'on');
loglog(n, n2_1, 'k-', 'LineSmoothing', 'on');
loglog(n, n2_2, 'k-', 'LineSmoothing', 'on');
axis([n(1) n(end) 1e-4 1e-2]);
xlabel('Matrix size, n');
ylabel('Running time (a.u.)');
legend('x'' * A * x', 'quadraticform(A, x)', 'O(n^2)', 'Location', 'NorthWest');
W = 16 / 2.54; H = 12 / 2.54; dpi = 100;
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0, 0, W, H]);
set(gcf, 'PaperSize', [W, H]);
print(gcf, sprintf('-r%d',dpi), '-dpng', 'quadraticformtest.png');
The result is very interesting. The running time of both x'*A*x
and quadraticform(A,x)
converges to O(n^2)
, but the former has a smaller factor: