Performance Tradeoff - When is MATLAB better/slower than C/C++

Loves Probability picture Loves Probability · Dec 11, 2013 · Viewed 55.9k times · Source

I am aware that C/C++ is a lower-level language and generates relatively optimized machine code when we compare with any other high-level language. But I guess there is pretty much more than that, which is also evident from the practice.

When I do simple calculations like montecarlo averaging of a Gaussian sample collection or so, I see there is not much of a difference between a C++ implementation or MATLAB implementation, sometimes in fact MATLAB performs a bit better in time.

When I move on to larger scale simulations with thousands of lines of code, slowly the real picture shows up. C++ simulations show superior performance like 100x better in time complexity than an equivalent MATLAB implementation.

The code in C++ most of the times, is pretty much serial and no hi-fi optimization is done explicitly. Whereas, as per my awareness, MATLAB inherently does a lot of optimization. This shows up for example when I try to generate a huge chunk of random samples, where as the equivalent in C++ using some library like IT++/GSL/Boost performs relatively slower (the algorithm used is the same namely mt19937).

My question is simply to know if there is a simpler tradeoff between MATLAB/C++ in performance. Is it just like what people say, "Whenever you can, C/C++ is the better"(The frequently experienced)?. In a different perspective, "What is MATLAB good for, other than comfort?"

By the way, I don't see coding efficiency parameter being significant here, thinking of the same programmer in both cases. And also, I think the other alternatives like python,R are not relevant here. But dependence on the specific libraries we use should be interesting.

[I am a phd student in Coding Theory in communication systems. I do simulations using matlab/C++ all the time, and have reasonable experience of coding few 10K's of lines in both cases]


PhD AP EcE picture PhD AP EcE · Jul 9, 2014

I have been using Matlab and C++ for about 10 years. For every numerical algorithms implemented for my research, I always start from prototyping with Matlab and then translate the project to C++ to gain a 10x to 100x (I am not kidding) performance improvement. Of course, I am comparing optimized C++ code to the fully vectorized Matlab code. On average, the improvement is about 50x.

There are lot of subtleties behind both of the two programming languages, and the following are some misunderstandings:

  1. Matlab is a script language but C++ is compiled

    Matlab uses JIT compiler to translate your script to machine code, you can improve your speed at most by a factor 1.5 to 2 by using the compiler that Matlab provides.

  2. Matlab code might be able to get fully vectorized but you have to optimize your code by hand in C++

    Fully vectorized Matlab code can call libraries written in C++/C/Assembly (for example Intel MKL). But plain C++ code can be reasonably vectorized by modern compilers.

  3. Toolboxes and routines that Matlab provides should be very well tuned and should have reasonable performance

    No. Other than linear algebra routines, the performance is generally bad.

The reasons why you can gain 10x~100x performance in C++ comparing to vectorized Matlab code:

  1. Calling external libraries (MKL) in Matlab costs time.

  2. Memory in Matlab is dynamically allocated and freed. For example, small matrices multiplication:
    A = B*C + D*E + F*G
    requires Matlab to create 2 temporary matrices. And in C++, if you allocate your memory before hand, you create NONE. And now imagine you loop that statement for 1000 times. Another solution in C++ is provided by C++11 Rvalue reference. This is the one of the biggest improvement in C++, now C++ code can be as fast as plain C code.

  3. If you want to do parallel processing, Matlab model is multi-process and the C++ way is multi-thread. If you have many small tasks needing to be parallelized, C++ provides linear gain up to many threads but you might have negative performance gain in Matlab.

  4. Vectorization in C++ involves using intrinsics/assembly, and sometimes SIMD vectorization is only possible in C++.

  5. In C++, it is possible for an experienced programmer to completely avoid L2 cache miss and even L1 cache miss, hence pushing CPU to its theoretical throughput limit. Performance of Matlab can lag behind C++ by a factor of 10x due to this reason alone.

  6. In C++, computational intensive instructions sometimes can be grouped according to their latencies (code carefully in assembly or intrinsics) and dependencies (most of time is done automatically by compiler or CPU hardware), such that theoretical IPC (instructions per clock cycle) could be reached and CPU pipelines are filled.

However, development time in C++ is also a factor of 10x comparing to Matlab!

The reasons why you should use Matlab instead of C++:

  1. Data visualization. I think my career can go on without C++ but I won't be able to survive without Matlab just because it can generate beautiful plots!

  2. Low efficiency but mathematically robust build-in routines and toolboxes. Get the correct answer first and then talk about efficiency. People can make subtle mistakes in C++ (for example implicitly convert double to int) and get sort of correct results.

  3. Express your ideas and present your code to your colleagues. Matlab code is much easier to read and much shorter than C++, and Matlab code can be correctly executed without compiler. I just refuse to read other people's C++ code. I don't even use C++ GNU scientific libraries because the code quality is not guaranteed. It is dangerous for a researcher/engineer to use a C++ library as a black box and take the accuracy as granted. Even for commercial C/C++ libraries, I remember Intel compiler had a sign error in its sin() function last year and numerical accuracy problems also occurred in MKL.

  4. Debugging Matlab script with interactive console and workspace is a lot more efficient than C++ debugger. Finding an index calculation bug in Matlab could be done within minutes, but it could take hours in C++ figuring out why the program crashes randomly if boundary check is removed for the sake of speed.

Last but not the least:

Because once Matlab code is vectorized, there is not much left for a programmer to optimize, Matlab code performance is much less sensitive to the quality of the code comparing with C++ code. Therefore it is best to optimize computation algorithms in Matlab, and marginally better algorithms normally have marginally better performance in Matlab. On the other hand, algorithm test in C++ requires decent programmer to write algorithms optimized more or less in the same way, and to make sure the compiler does not optimize the algorithms differently.

My recent experience in C++ and Matlab:

I made several large Matlab data analysis tools in the past year and suffered from the slow speed of Matlab. But I was able to improve my Matlab program speed by 10x through the following techniques:

  • Run/profile the Matlab script, re-implement critical routines in C/C++ and compile with MEX. Critical routines are mostly likely logically simple but numerically heavy. This improves speed by 5x.

  • Simplify ".m" files shipped with Matlab tool boxes by commenting all unnecessary safety checks and output parameter computations. Please be reminded that the modified code cannot be distributed with the rest of the user scripts. This improves speed by another 2x (after C/C++ and MEX).

The improved code is ~98% in Matlab and ~2% in C++.

I believe it is possible to improve the speed by another 2x (total 20x) if the entire tool is coded in C++, this is ~100x speed improvement of the computation routines. The hard drive I/O will then dominate the program run time.

Question for Mathworks engineers:

When Matlab code is fully vectorized, one of the performance limiting factor is the matrix indexing operation. For instance, a finite difference operation needs to be performed on Matrix A which has a dimension of 5000x5000:

B = A(:,2:end)-A(:,1:end-1)

The matrix indexing operation makes the Matlab code multiple times slower than the C++ code. Can the matrix indexing performance be improved?