Top "Parse-platform" questions

Parse-Platform provides an open source backend for powering end-user applications.

Why scale to fill give bigger image than UIImageVIew size? (using swift)

I'm trying to showing a list of place name, including it's photo using PFQueryTableViewController. It's included in ParseUI SDK from …

ios swift parse-platform pfimageview
iOS Parse Facebook Login error 308 FBSDKLoginBadChallengeString

I'm trying to implement Facebook login in my iOS app, using Parse. let permissionsArray = ["public_profile", "email"] PFFacebookUtils.logInInBackgroundWithReadPermissions(permissionsArray) { (…

ios facebook parse-platform
the app references non-public selectors in payload/ _terminateWithStatus

I am uploading my iOS application on app store and it is having some warning when i upload the app. …

ios facebook warnings parse-platform
Can you use AngularJS with

I am new to phonegap development & I am trying to pick a framework to use. I'd like to use …

angularjs backbone.js cordova parse-platform
How scalable is Parse?

I've been considering using's service for my backend, but I'm skeptical about its scalability. Can it really handle …

iphone parsing scalability parse-platform
Swift: Cannot assign to immutable expression of type 'AnyObject?!'

I searched, but I didn't find a familiar answer, so... I am about to program a class to handle parse …

ios xcode swift parse-platform
Facebook login error "User is not allowed to see the application."

Hi: I have submitted my app to the App Store. I have Facebook login feature in my app. When I …

ios facebook login parse-platform
Exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 19 beyond bounds [0 .. 18]'

I haver already looked for the other similar post, but none has solved my problem. I get this error: *** Terminating …

ios nsarray parse-platform searchbar nsexception
Convert curl GET to javascript fetch

I am able to successfully retrieve an object from parse using command below: curl -X GET \ -H "X-Parse-Application-Id:1231231231" \ -H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: 131231231" \ …

javascript curl parse-platform react-native
Android Parse Push notification device registration only one time on one device

Every one I am using the parse service for push notification in my app. but it register all time when …

android push-notification parse-platform google-cloud-messaging devicetoken