Top "Pan" questions

"panning" refers to the rotation in a horizontal plane of an object or viewport.

THREE.js: OrbitControls pan and zoom issue

I tried adding the latest OrbitControls.js to my scene and orbit seams to work ok. However, when I zoom …

three.js zooming mouse pan
Zooming and scrolling in SpriteKit

I am new to SpriteKit. I need to display an image via UIImageView OR SpriteNode (it is a background image …

ios7 zooming pan sprite-kit
How to pan Image inside PictureBox

I have a custom PictureBox which can zoom in using MouseWheel event. Now I want to add a panning feature …

c# winforms mouseevent picturebox pan
Matplotlib/Pyplot: How to zoom subplots together AND x-scroll separately?

I previously asked the question "How to zoom subplots together?", and have been using the excellent answer since then. I'm …

python scroll pan matplotlib
How does zooming, panning and rotating work?

Using OpenGL I'm attempting to draw a primitive map of my campus. Can anyone explain to me how panning, zooming …

opengl rotation zooming viewport pan
How can I pan an image larger than its container correctly using jQuery?

I'm creating quite a cool image viewer but am stuck in one particular part: panning the image when zoomed in. …

jquery image pan
Limiting domain when zooming or panning in D3.js

I have implemented a simple D3.js line chart that can be zoomed and panned. It is based on Stephen …

javascript charts d3.js zooming pan
Google Maps: Limit Panning

I'm trying to recreate the pan limit behavior as demonstrated here: Unfortunately, …

google-maps limit pan
javascript graphics engine with zoom/mouse pan/rotate/text/events?

Is there an open source javascript library able to create something like…

html graphics zooming pan
Android - Pinch zoom ontouch event coordinates

I'm trying to get the canvas coordinates for an android app that I'm creating. It works great until I add …

android scale android-canvas pan