Top "Pan" questions

"panning" refers to the rotation in a horizontal plane of an object or viewport.

Is there a hot-key to enable Storyboard panning with mouse in Xcode 4.3?

I'm looking for a hot-key, e.g. spacebar + Click 'n drag, that will enable me to use the mouse to …

xcode mouse xcode-storyboard pan
How to set the extent of an OpenLayers Map?

I want to pan and zoom an OpenLayers.Map to a given OpenLayer.Bounds. What is a quick way to …

map zooming openlayers bounds pan
Best way to zoom and pan a 2D cocos2d iphone game

What's the best way to implement a pan-able zoomable game map with Cocos2d for iPhone. It would be like …

iphone cocos2d-iphone zooming pan
How to use NSDL PAN(Permanent Account Number) number verification API in php

NSDL APIS has Java sample code.

account pan permanent