Top "Packing" questions

Use this tag for questions related to packing, which can extend from struct packing to grouping elements together.

Structure padding and packing

Consider: struct mystruct_A { char a; int b; char c; } x; struct mystruct_B { int b; char a; } y; The …

c struct structure padding packing
What algorithm can be used for packing rectangles of different sizes into the smallest rectangle possible in a fairly optimal way?

Ive got a bunch of rectangular objects which I need to pack into the smallest space possible (the dimensions of …

algorithm packing
Why does git keep telling me it's "Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance"?

Note: I don't think this is a duplicate of this question, which is talking about a non-background pack which hangs …

git background-process packing
use of the bitwise operators to pack multiple values in one int

Low level bit manipulation has never been my strong point. I will appreciate some help in understanding the following use …

java bitwise-operators packing bit-packing
Packing rectangular image data into a square texture

I have N items of 2D image data that will be rectangular and I want to pack them into a …

image textures packing
Packing different sized circles into rectangle - d3.js

I was trying to pack circles of different sizes into a rectangular container, not packing in circular container that d3.…

javascript algorithm geometry d3.js packing
How many squares can be packed into a circle?

How many squares of size a×a can be packed into a circle of radius R? I don't need a …

algorithm math language-agnostic geometry packing
C/C++ packing signed char into int

I have need to pack four signed bytes into 32-bit integral type. this is what I came up to: int32_…

c++ c byte signed packing
C++ Data Member Alignment and Array Packing

During a code review I've come across some code that defines a simple structure as follows: class foo { unsigned char …

c++ data-structures packing bit-packing