Top "Package-managers" questions

Software that allows administrators (and in some cases also users) to control the installation and upgrade process of packages on their systems.

When using Swift Package Manager how can I generate an Xcode project file for development

I am using the new open source Swift Package Manager and am able to download the files. I want the …

xcode swift package-managers swift-package-manager
Can't import packages using Swift 4 Package Manager

Trying to test Swift 4 using Xcode-beta (v9) on my machine and having issues with importing packages into a test project: …

swift xcode macos package-managers swift4
How do i use package control to install packages in sublime text?

I am using sublime text 2. I have successfully installed Package Control. Now that Package Control is installed, how do I …

sublimetext2 package-managers package-control
Lua's package management system?

What's the Lua's standard package management system and repository? Like brew for Mac OS X, npm for node.js.

lua package-managers
Device or resource busy - Docker

When doing apt-get -y upgrade on a new Ubuntu 14.04 machine with the ubuntu:latest (Xenial) image, it raised an error: …

ubuntu docker device apt-get package-managers
How to easily distribute Python software that has Python module dependencies? Frustrations in Python package installation on Unix

My goal is to distribute a Python package that has several other widely used Python packages as dependencies. My package …

python pip setuptools package-managers distribute
Equivalent in yum of apt-get update

In Debian derivatives, before installing software from apt using apt-get install xxx, it is necessary to run apt-get update. This …

yum rhel apt package-managers
Feature comparison between npm, pip, pipenv and poetry package managers

How do the main features of npm compare with pip, pipenv and poetry package managers? And how do I use …

python package-managers pipenv python-poetry
Package Manager vs Dependency Manager

What are the differences? In many places they used interchangeably as synonyms but I think they are different. What is …

dependency-management package-managers
Is there a way to sync Sublime Text settings across multiple computers?

I have two computers, a desktop and a laptop. Now I have set up my ENV to sync with the …

synchronization sublimetext3 settings sublimetext package-managers