Top "Ownership" questions

Ownership is a core concept of Rust.

What are move semantics in Rust?

In Rust, there are two possibilities to take a reference Borrow, i.e., take a reference but don't allow mutating …

rust move-semantics ownership
Implement graph-like data structure in Rust

I have a data structure which can be represented as a unidirectional graph between some structs linked with link objects …

data-structures rust ownership
How do I copy a String from a &String while iterating through a Vector?

I'm trying to get my head around ownership and the borrow checker. I've run into an issue I've managed to …

rust ownership
"Operation not permitted" from docker container logged as root

I need your help to understand my problem. I updated my macintosh with Catalina last week, then i updated docker …

docker nginx docker-compose ownership macos-catalina
Convert Vec<String> into a slice of &str in Rust?

Per Steve Klabnik's writeup in the pre-Rust 1.0 documentation on the difference between String and &str, in Rust you should …

string vector reference rust ownership
Google Play Console Developers Account - Transfer ownership

As the title mentions - How can I change the ownership of a Google Play Console Developer's Account? Change the …

android google-play ownership google-play-console