Top "Osx-mavericks" questions

OS X Mavericks (version 10.

Installing command line tools Xcode 5

I have tried and tried (looked at many headings for this) and I still don't have an answer to my …

xcode command-line xcode5 osx-mavericks command-line-tool
How install ruby 2.1.0 on OS_X 10.9 using rvm? ( No binary rubies available for: osx/10.9/x86_64/ruby )

I'm trying to install ruby 1.9.3-p545 or ruby-2.1.0 or ruby-2.1.1, but it fails... My environment: OS_X 10.9 x86_64 rvm 1.25.20 Error …

installation rvm osx-mavericks ruby-1.9.3 ruby-2.1
Rails 4 server fails, Ruby 2.0 segmentation fault, Abort trap 6

I just started going through and getting my development environment setup. When I got to the section 1.2.5 to …

ruby-on-rails-4 osx-mavericks ruby-2.0 on Mac OS X Mavericks run into "Can't locate" error

I'm trying to run from tsung (installed through brew) on Mac OS X 10.9 and got error: Can't …

macos perl osx-mavericks tsung
How to detect where NaN is passing to CoreGraphics API on Mac OS X 10.9

I have very large graphic Mac app and now I receive a lot of the following messages in Console on 10.9 …

cocoa core-graphics osx-mavericks
How to remove an application Icon from Dock from Mac OSX Mavericks?

I am writing an application uninstaller in which I want to remove the icon of our app from Dock. During …

macos icons osx-mavericks dock
What are productive ways to debug Rcpp compiled code loaded in R (on OS X Mavericks)?

What is the most productive and quickest way to debug shared objects that are loaded into R, in particular on …

r debugging osx-mavericks rstudio rcpp
Running Mercurial on Mavericks

Seems that Mercurial doesn't run on Mavericks (Python 3.) Anyone find a solution. abort: couldn't find mercurial libraries in [ /Library/Python/2.7/…

python macos python-2.7 mercurial osx-mavericks
xcrun/lipo freezes with OS X Mavericks and XCode 4.x

Been trying to install psycopg2 with either easy_install or pip, and the terminal gets stuck in a loop between …

python xcode psycopg2 osx-mavericks lipo
Documented way to disable ASLR on OS X?

On OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), it's possible to disable address space layout randomization for a single process if you launch the …

macos osx-mavericks aslr