Top "Command-line-tool" questions

A command line tool is a console based application either run in MS-DOS or a terminal (Command prompt for windows, and terminal for linux and mac)

How to install Xcode Command Line Tools

How do I get the command-line build tools installed with the current Xcode/Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion) or …

xcode macos command-line-tool
xcode-select active developer directory error

Saw the following error when running an npm install which required node-gyp... but could be triggered by anything which requires …

xcode macos npm npm-install command-line-tool
What is a faster alternative to Python's http.server (or SimpleHTTPServer)?

Python's http.server (or SimpleHTTPServer for Python 2) is a great way of serve the contents of the current directory from …

command-line httpserver command-line-tool simplehttpserver
Xcode 6.1 - How to uninstall command line tools?

I installed Xcode command line tool by issuing xcode-select --install; now I want to uninstall it (without uninstalling Xcode). I've …

xcode command-line-tool
Install gnuplot 5.0.1 on OSX

I downloaded the source files for gnuplot 5.0.1 (gnuplot-5.0.1.tar.gz) from the source forge page. I also installed the Command …

macos gnuplot command-line-tool
Can't install Command Line Tool, "xcode-select --install" doesn't work

I don't know how to install the Command Line Tools on OSX Mavericks. Or better: I know how to do …

xcode macos homebrew command-line-tool
PSEXEC - "The Handle is invalid" When running the command as System User

This is the command that works fine if run from a user-spawned command prompt: PSEXEC \\ -u …

command-line batch-file psexec command-line-tool
Node-sass is not recognized by command line

I'm trying to set up node-sass, following the instructions on CSS-Tricks. Node and npm are installed correctly, and the node-sass …

node.js npm command-line-tool node-sass
svn client binaries for windows

Where are the Windows binaries for the command-line version of SVN? Everywhere I search, it has to be some company's …

svn command-line-tool binaries
macOS 10.14(beta) How to install Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.14_for_Xcode_10_Beta

As the Title of my question, I don't know how to install the Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.14_for_Xcode_10_Beta …

xcode macos command-line-tool xcode10 macos-mojave