This is the command that works fine if run from a user-spawned command prompt:
PSEXEC \\ -u xxxx -p xxxx -accepteula cmd /c "TYPE C:\Pyxislog\PYXIS01.log|Find/i "%ID%"" >nul
However, if I try to run this from a system-invoked cmd prompt I get this:
Couldn't access
The handle is invalid.
Connecting to
It has to run as a system user, since it will be deployed via a remote software tool which runs as a system user. Is this a limitation of psexec? and yes, the Username and password have administrative rights.
After much research, it is a windows security feature to block all network access to the system user, which includes running tasks as another user. The best method I have found to circumvent this , is to create a scheduled task to run psexec from an administrator account.