Top "Orientation" questions

Orientation is the way up, down, left or right something is facing or being held in.

iOS: Disable Autorotation for a Subview

I have a nested view hierarchy for an iPad application that supports orientation changes. It looks similiar to the following. …

ios ipad uiview orientation device-orientation
WPF horizontal DataGrid

I would like to have a WPF DataGrid with a horizontal orientation, does anyone know a solution?

wpf datagrid orientation wpfdatagrid
Exif data TAG_ORIENTATION always 0

I need to know the orientation of an image from the gallery (taken by the camera). My initial approach was …

android camera orientation photo exif
FPDF / FPDI addPage() Orientation

I'm using the following code to add a new page to my existing PDF document and save it. require('addons/…

php pdf orientation fpdf fpdi
On iOS8, displaying my app in landscape mode will hide the status bar but on iOS 7 the status bar is displayed on both orientations

I want the status bar to be displayed in both orientations in iOS 8; it's being displayed properly in iOS 7. navigationController.…

ios objective-c orientation ios8
Using Android gyroscope instead of accelerometer. I find lots of bits and pieces, but no complete code

The Sensor Fusion video looks great, but there's no code:…

android orientation accelerometer gyroscope
Change QR Scanner orientation with ZXING in Android Studio

I hope you can help me with this. Im using the Zxing Embedded Library in order to use the QR …

android camera orientation qr-code zxing
How to change GENYMOTION screen orientation?

Is it possible to change the orientation of the genymotion emulator? Is there a shotcut or setting to change this? …

android orientation emulation landscape genymotion
Centering a background image in Android

I have a background image about 100 x 100 that I want to center in an Android app. Is there a way …

android background orientation center
How to get the correct window width on orientation change for android devices both tablets and mobiles

I am trying to calculate the window width on orientation change for android devices using jquery function $(window).outerWidth(true);. …

javascript jquery android orientation galaxy