Top "Orientation" questions

Orientation is the way up, down, left or right something is facing or being held in.

Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution?

I download some data from internet in background thread (I use AsyncTask) and display a progress dialog while downloading. Orientation …

android orientation android-orientation
android screen orientation

I tried getOrientation() to get the orientation value but it always returns 0!

android orientation
How can I change the scroll direction in UICollectionView?

I have a UICollectionView in my storyboard based iOS app. When the device is in the portrait orientation I'd like …

ios objective-c scroll uicollectionview orientation
Android, how to not destroy the activity when I rotate the device?

I have an app that works only in portrait mode, and I have made the changes in my manifest file …

android android-activity orientation
Best way to programmatically detect iPad/iPhone hardware

The reason I need to find out is that on an iPad, a UIPickerView has the same height in landscape …

iphone orientation ipad
Detecting iOS UIDevice orientation

I need to detect when the device is in portrait orientation so that I can fire off a special animation. …

ios objective-c swift orientation uidevice
android camera surfaceview orientation

Ok so I have a class that extends SurfaceView and overrides surfaceChanged - just calls startPreview surfaceCreated - opens camera, …

android orientation smartphone android-sdk-2.1 android-camera
How can I disable landscape orientation?

I am making an iPhone app and I need it to be in portrait mode, so if the user moves …

iphone objective-c ios xcode orientation
Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait

I am creating a responsive website, and have just noticed a strange behaviour in my content pages when viewed on …

iphone orientation whitespace rotation responsive-design
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer orientation - need landscape

My app is landscape only. I'm presenting the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer like this: self.previewLayer = [[AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer alloc] initWithSession:session]; [self.previewLayer setBackgroundColor:[[…

ios orientation avfoundation avcapturesession avcapture